"All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."

Lucy Van Pelt

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ay-yi-yi! No wonder I can’t get any work done. I just read an article in Woman’s World how one clever woman weighed her clutter as she eliminated it. Over the course of a year, she got rid of 500 pounds. WOW!
You can see by these Before and After photos, I got rid of a few pounds.
We all have clutter in our lives, be it closets or stale relationships. Today, I’m starting with my desk and taking a hard look at my life. There are those boxes of cake pans in the basement. They have to go. I’m working on the extra 30 pounds on my mid-section. It’ll be a happy day when I toss my ‘fat clothes.’
Relationships are tougher. Can you recycle friends? No, I’m not tossing anyone out, but I’m going to get working on my closets.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Clutter sneaks up on us, and we don't relize it until one day it is out of control. I also feel the same about life and relationships, all of a sudden you relize they are out of control and what I mean by that is, you think all is fine and you really don't give it another thought and BAM.... you get a wake up call or a huge eye opener. I guess all we can do is learn from this and maybe be a little more cautious in our lives and learn to watch for the warning signs. S.J.
