"All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."

Lucy Van Pelt

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo Opportunities

I got bored today. Tossed some stale bread into the backyard and waited.
Wasn’t long before our resident squirrel took notice. Though the treats looked tempting, the little guy was intimidated by my camera. Another less timid squirrel hopped over the fence, but was promptly chased off.
It wasn’t until the crows swooped in that the squirrel found his courage. Now or never, he decided. He darted out, grabbed the whole-wheat week old slice, and ran up the pine tree. A moment later, he defended his territory again.
Meanwhile, the crows have set up sentries in the treetops. Coming closer and closer, one determines I’m not much of a threat. He marches up and picks up on piece of bread and then another.
Squirrel, not to be outdone, dashes in for seconds. Crow returns, this time neatly picking up three pieces.
After providing me with immense entertainment and fantastic photo opportunities, I think my furry and feathered friends deserve more treats, no strings attached.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Peep Addiction

Losing weight is a lifestyle change. And I’m working on it.
My passion for Peeps is no secret. I’ve been known to buy two packages of the yummy- sugary-marshmallow-chicks at a time. One pack would be devoured on the three mile trip home, the other pack to be savored later. Oh, by the way, I don’t share.
So how am I fighting this addiction? I’m changing my lifestyle.
Already, I’m planning my garden. So now when I’m in the grocery store, I bypass the Peep aisle and head to the Seasonal section for my sweet reward.
Two weeks Peeps free, I now have a Plant tower, seed house, lawn ornaments,and seeds. These are things that will enrich my life, not make my butt bigger. When Easter is over and all the Peeps are gone, I’ll be growing!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Writing is a solitary act. Alone with your pen and paper or computer, you put your inner most thoughts, fears, and desires into a story. Most people just don’t ‘get’ it.
But other writers do. They know how difficult it is to transfer thoughts to paper. They know the nervous anxiety of sending off manuscripts. They know the thrill of acceptance and the crush of rejection. They ‘get’ it.
Coming out of your shell to join a group is a huge step for the serious writer. Networking will boost your confidence, hone your craft, and speed the path to publication.
The right group that is. . .
Having just left one group, I find myself in a loose network of critique partners and forward thinkers. No rules, no dues, just the common goal of creating fresh writing. Ideas are clicking, stories are gelling, and sights are set high.
Aptly named after the legendary Phoenix, our little group is on fire!