"All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."

Lucy Van Pelt

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Watch for motorcycles, please

I’ve remained silent on this topic too long. As you all may recall, Charlie was involved in a accident on October 7th. Stopped at red light, he was hit from behind. From the moment he stood up from that mishap, it's been his intent to get back in the saddle. He wanted to handle it his way and asked for my support and respect. Basically, he told me to be quiet while he dealt with police reports and insurance. I agreed only to hold my tongue until everything was settled, so here's the story.
On that morning, the light at Buffalo and Trabold turned red. Charlie checked his mirror, a vehicle was far back. He stopped, had both feet on the ground, looked up at the light, and then at his mirror. He saw the SUV, heard the tires, and had no time to react. The bike was pushed forward. He was thrown back onto the hood, and bounced to the pavement.
His protective gear, a full-face racing helmet and armored jacket, saved him from serious injury. Badly bruised, pulled back and arm muscles, sprained ankle, and a few scrapes, were all that he suffered. Many thanks to Gates Ambulance and Immediate Care in Greece.
There was never any doubt as to whom was at fault. The blame fell on the other driver. But here things start to get fuzzy. Gate Police report reads—V2 (Charlie) was stopped at red light when same vehicle was struck in the rear by V1. D1 stated he glanced up at the traffic signal and when he looked back down the motorcyclist was in front of him.
Surprise! Even though the other driver admitted being behind Charlie for at least 2.5 miles, it was *POOF* motorcycle. Good news, hitting Charlie saved him from getting a ticket for running the red light. That's right, no ticket was issued.
No ticket, no points against his license, and let's hope he had accident forgiveness so his insurance rates don't go up. Granted, his 2011 Infinity was badly damaged from hitting the bike and Charlie's body slamming into the hood. His insurance deductible was his only inconvenience.
Charlie did question the officer later. His reply was he doesn't issue tickets for accidents unless there's severe injury. $10,000 damage to the bike alone and personal injury, all from a careless driver about to run a red light. No ticket? Sounded like a cop-out. (sorry.)
Now, Charlie is dealing with insurance companies. All he wanted was to have his bike put back together. His bike was '08 Kawasaki Concours. He had been looking for a few years and found a real cream puff last April. It was love at first sight and he traded in his Suzuki that he had owned for 18 years. Yeah, he planned on keeping this bike for some time.
Our vacation, schedule months ago, was to begin at 5 o'clock the day of the accident. Well, that plan went to Hell. The next day, Charlie seriously hurting. A little better the next day. Monday, it was a check in with his personal doctor. Not much she could offer except Advil and sympathy. Also, on Monday, he spent a grueling 4 hours with insurance people. One belittled his injuries and tried to settle for a minute amount.
Charlie's only concern was to get that bike together and get some riding in. The estimate kept climbing. That used bike was a rare find and could not be easily replaced. Charlie finally had to accept the cold hard fact his bike was totaled after a long week of tug of war. Fix it. Too costly. Fix it. Can't be fixed.
Once the decision to pull the plug, the search began. Hollinks came through. Bill had a silver 2011 'Connie' still in the crate.
Just one more chore before we pick it up. A little reminder for the careless driver who hit Charlie. Special thanks to ABATE of Rochester for the bright yellow sign that will be planted in his yard.
While I'm still on my soapbox, to all my rider friends, be safe, wear the gear, and keep your eyes open. Everyone else, please, please watch for motorcycles.

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